157 proposals submitted

The particle physics community has submitted a wealth of contributions to shape the future of the discipline

In an important milestone in the process of updating the European Strategy for Particle Physics, a total of 157 contributions from the particle physics community were submitted.

The European Strategy Update Secretariat, which was established at the end of 2017 to coordinate the update process, received contributions from universities, laboratories, national institutes, collaborations and individuals, predominantly from Europe but also including projects that extend beyond the continent.

Of these, about a quarter concerns national roadmaps or are submissions from national organizations or funding agencies, another 20 or so concern large experiments or projects (more than half of which target CERN as the host laboratory), and a similar number concern education, outreach and technology transfer.  The rest are spread over the eight different themes that have been defined for the process:  Accelerator Science and Technology, Beyond the Standard Model, Dark Matter and the Dark Sector, Instrumentation and Computing, Electroweak physics, Flavour physics, Neutrino physics, and Strong Interactions.  It is a very diverse mix, which bodes well for a lively debate of priorities.

All of the proposals will be analysed at a public scientific symposium that will be held in Granada, Spain in May 2019. The contributions and discussions will help shape the long-term priorities of particle physics in Europe. These priorities will be formalised at the beginning of 2020 in the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics.